2013年9月12日 星期四

to be happy or not to be happy



11 Simple Things That Everyone Needs To Be Happy

1. Comfort food.

I put this one first for a reason, and that reason is that comfort food is one of the most basic components of being a happy, well-adjusted human. There is no meeting so soul-suckingly boring that a little pizza won’t make you go out of your way to attend it. There is no emotional wound that cannot be at least temporarily patched up with some hot, crispy chicken nuggets and fries with ranch and honey mustard dipping sauces. There is no amount of critical red-state voting that isn’t eased by a southern breakfast of biscuits, gravy, grits, and sweet tea. Comfort food has leveled up as high as possible in the Healer Class, and we should respect it.

2. Clean sheets.

Man, you just feel gross as shit when you’re on grimy sheets. You feel like a sentient ball of pond scum, temporarily inhabiting a vaguely moist hell that used to resemble your bedroom. It feels like your whole life is falling apart, and the second you change them to those fresh, fluffy, cool-and-warm-at-the-same-time new sheets, everything is back where it should be. You sleep like an angel on a cloud of success.

3. A breeze.

If there is one state of affairs that reminds us just how completely our overall dispositions depend on our atmospheric surroundings, it is being trapped somewhere that is hot as hell and getting nary a breeze to cool your fevered brow. If it’s pushing 100 outside and you are stuck in a pre-war apartment with not even an oscillating fan, you might as well just kill yourself, because you are in for the night of the most pure agony humans can withstand before they spontaneously burst into flames.

4. A hot shower.

Hot showers, especially when you’re achy or dirty, feel like getting kissed all over your body by a thousand tiny Ryan Goslings. It’s being baptized by the Cleanliness Gods in your own apartment, and it is an irreplaceable necessity to happiness.

5. Alone time.

All of the thrilling social activities in the world mean absolutely nothing if you can’t punctuate them with some nice time to just unwind, watch your weird-ass “me time” videos on YouTube, and be a total slob in your underwear.

6. Someone who remembers with you.

You need at least one person to discuss your memories, your experiences, and the person you used to be with. If you don’t have anyone who also remembers certain periods in your life, it can start to feel as though they never happened at all (or that they don’t count). But when you start wandering down memory lane hand-in-hand with someone, it is the emotional equivalent of someone bringing out a surprise ice cream cake and two enormous spoons. You get to just feel all the warm fuzzies, and make each other remember stuff, and giggle over inside jokes. It’s the best.

7. A nice wake-up.

For some of us, including myself, mornings will never be that nice. But if you don’t at least get a few minutes to groggily look at your phone, put something resembling food in your body, and get a little coffee or tea, your day is doomed. When you wake up in an incoherent panic and you have to run out the door wearing the first thing that wasn’t stained with the blood of your enemies, you know that you are just going to feel a little bit like shit all day long.

8. Good internet.

Having something to do on the internet and watching in agony as each page takes a full 30 seconds to load is amongst the most visceral frustrations we can experience. It’s the kind of thing to make you rip your laptop off its cord and throw it against the wall because you would rather do all of your communication by carrier pigeon from now on.

9. Purchases that are just for you.

Come on, you need to get something for yourself every now and again. If you don’t occasionally treat yourself to a bag of bulk candy, or a new Forever 21 dress that appears to be made out of Saran Wrap and recycled cardboard, or a movie for one in the middle of a Saturday afternoon, what is life about?

10. A comfy sweater.

There is no feeling that makes you feel more safe, more comfortable, more deliciously warm and cozy than pulling a sweater around you, over your palms and up onto your neck, until you are less a human being and more an anthropomorphic ball of wool. It’s like being hugged by your clothes.

11. At least one person who just gets it.

Whether it’s the friend who doesn’t need any social issues explained to them (and who will never make horribly oppressive jokes because they don’t believe in being “PC”), or the person who is just as obsessed with that one book/show/movie/band as you are and does not matter one bit if you want to talk about it for an entire five-hour hangout session, we all need the person who “gets it.” You don’t need a group of them, you just need the one, and your sanity will be intact. Without them, you will begin to slowly question whether or not your entire reality is a figment of your imagination. Your happiness is always reinforced by their existence.

2013年9月3日 星期二



之前聽Simpson 講小組搞聖經問答比賽,已好想玩,兼可以set 個target 給自己讀聖經,便提議搞這合組活動,雖然我的組員們沒有溫書 (orz),但相信大家都好享受一起玩、一起笑的相聚。
玩完有7,8 月之星的切蛋糕環節


我知道,家人永遠是最疼愛自己的,今年發生的不愉快和受的傷,他們都知道明白,爸爸媽媽都知道有些事情不能勉強,某人當然hurt過我啦,自己亦有缺點和不成熟,但我會從中學習和成長,生日願望是希望一家人健康快樂,我都快d 搵好男人,哈哈。


好好味的pancake,當是birthday pancake了,哈哈。



有位舊同事的whatsapp status 是 'more of God, less of me',這句突然深深感動我。無錯,我要如常地過星期六,如常地團契事奉、崇拜和小組。因為無神就無我,我更要將生日這天給神,以紀念祂的恩惠。





之前先立志「more of God, less of me」,自己想把「自己」遺忘,自己不是最重要,神才是最大。想真點,這立志很自虐,很痛若。萬萬想不到,當我決定放下自己,我親愛的團友和弟兄姊妹沒有遺忘我。好像一個一直咬緊牙關去面對困難和孤單,而弄至滿身傷痕和疲憊的人,在飢寒之時,被帶到一個溫暖舒適的家,被擁抱和安慰。




之前思前想後,到底如何慶祝,其實我只想同親愛的人慶祝,打算搞個party,請我的朋友們來,不論是那個單位,教會、救恩、慈航...,都一起相聚,可能神知我心意,XXL的嘉俊鮮有地答應出席,Simpson 和我都好興奮,打算把大型派對改為XXL re-u 開組,主角是嘉俊。


何解有這生日願望?哈哈,我都不知道,主知道 :)
XXL 組員都好好,真的好喜歡你們,我跟你們whatsapp 比現在的小組還要多。





