右邊的是我,鐵閂、木門、信箱,就3 條匙,簡簡單單,不會增加包包重量。
見到有人介紹萬寧牌的胭脂掃,說物超所值,翌日即到萬寧看看。我躲在一旁,偷偷地從包裝袋中取出胭脂掃,掃毛都算軟,好,即買!$32.9 only,加上我不常用,便宜的 average cost 低點耶。
萬寧這3天正價護膚品 75折,買了一些東東,看看效果如何,好用的/非常差的遲點再寫 。
-原來只有我家會一人一機衫, 其他人家裡都是所有人的衣服一起洗
-星期六的時間都花在家人上,非常值得!! 雖然做家務累垮了, 但跟媽媽和弟弟去飲茶, 跟媽媽在雨中撐傘, 倚靠著彼此一起回家,心裡很溫馨踏實.
-想整理一下blog, 例如分類, 也要將相機的相放進電腦, facebook, 積存很多相了
-Lily bell 卸妝棉只剩最後一包了, color mix長期斷貨, 又未找到便宜好用的代替品, google 時發現淘寶竟然有賣Lily bell 卸妝棉, 是真是假有待查證
一田百貨大減價, 超級市場內的美食更是非常抵, 預計明天會跟黃婷婷去血拼, 有興趣一起就call我啦, 7D芒果乾, 飯素, 朱古力酥, milk top牛奶布丁, 粟米條………………………..I’m coming~~~~
Sleep can help to lose weight too. (click the picture to enlarge)
The next step will be stop eating potato chips for 1 mouth. It’s really hard. Although I eat less chips now, entirely keeping away from it is impossible. I can’t imagine to live without it, even one slice of chip will not be able for a whole mouth wor!!!
There’s a miracle happened on me. I eat less (a little bit la) at lunch and dinner. I don’t force myself to eat less (if I feel starving, I will be manic easily. So I can’t eat less.. poor me..) or I have lots of snacks between meals. I just didn’t want to eat. Perhaps the conversation to my heart works! I always ask myself ‘ do I want to eat it? Do I REALLY need that food? Will it benefit to my body? How many do I have already? Is it enough for my daily calories intake? If it’s enough, why do I need more? Look at my body! If I carry on eating, the body will grow fatter and the work out I did will be meaningless………….)
Unfortunately, my weight remains the same!!! How come there’s no difference even I did more exercises. I know it’s a long long battle for me. But part of my mind still feels frustrated.