2009年4月15日 星期三


I’m addicted to three things recently.

1. 層層蛋糕裙, 蓬蓬裙

2. 雀巢牛奶綠茶雪條 (限定發售)

3. 日劇

I targeted 1-2層層蛋糕裙 at Zara. But don’t have time to try them on yet. There are numerous styles of層層蛋糕裙 on Japanese magazines, but merely a few in HK..

The雀巢牛奶綠茶雪條 is so delicious!! It’s sold at 7-11 now. I found that not all 7-11 selling it. The outer outer layer is milk-taste, and the inner layer is green tea-taste. I want to contact 雀巢 and ask them to change 牛奶綠茶雪條 as a permanent product.

Since I’d tried the 牛奶綠茶雪條 at HK Disneyland, I couldn’t forget its taste. Even I was sick at the second visit of HK Disneyland, I still have to eat it!!! Having this 牛奶綠茶雪條is one of my aim of this second visit. And now, I can buy it outside Disneyland at a half price as well!!! I am very very very excited!!!! I bought it and shared with Ms C in office. Yummy~~

I watch日劇 with Ms T and Ms C in office during lunch hour. That’s really enjoyable and relaxing~~ previously we watched <沒有玫瑰的花店>. Starring by 香取慎吾 and 竹內結子. It’s a slow tempo 日劇. Just like the tempo of <籍著雨點說愛你>.

Now we are watching <愛情洗牌 Love Shuffle>. It is interesting and more preferable to me~~ just some modern love stories~~

I borrowed <絕對彼氏> from Ms C which she recommended me. It is a funny日劇. There’s no大道理.
