2008年12月26日 星期五
由於太恐佈,不便在這裡分享。我現在很怕 facebook..
金色 BBQ party
2008年12月25日 星期四
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year
自深水'土步'買了材料後,當晚便開工 DIY了,不知是工具不合用,還是雙手不靈巧,花了1 小時(!!)才把頂針穿好。中途很想放棄,寧願花錢買也不想花那麼多時間。不過之後阿劉和靖靖都稱讚我弄得不錯,所以我還是再堅持一下下好了。
近來好喜歡買這2 種衣服,不論長/ 短版的有帽衛衣都想買,它給我 causal, young 和舒服的感覺;裙子是因為我受不了被褲子束縛著大腿,我要自由自在的感覺!!
3. 芒果乾
自從在舊公司吃過甜美無渣的芒果乾後,一直唸唸不忘,尤其知道 city super 和吉之島都有賣7D 芒果乾,OMG!它真的很好吃啊!
4. 健忘症和放空
只要對著沒興趣的東西/ 話題/ 令人放鬆的氣氛,我整個人的思路就空白一片,完全放空。如有人靠近我說話,我會被嚇到,最近就常常被嚇到耶!
我想起 F.5 的時候(還是 F.4 呢?算吧,我忘記了),總之是 econ 堂,我坐在第一個位,梅少佳( econ 老師)站在我前面說啊說啊,講啊講啊,我背靠椅子,看著書本,原本思考著他說話內容的我漸漸放空,他突然大力地用手拍了我書桌一下,過了2秒,我才「啊!!」的嚇了一跳,很糗啊,他和其他同學還要在笑..
首先恭喜黃同學抽到滿讚的公屋,還邀請我'同居'(因為我家實在太遠,一個月的車資等於她新家的月租!)當然,要有工作才能搬出來,可是我已經不停地幻想搬新家的事情。新家地點超棒,無論過香港、出九龍、入新界都方便;新家代表有額外的空間放衣服,不得了!!我要買一個大大大衣櫃(w/ 連身鏡);還可以請朋友到新家聚會呢;不過新家要買各類電器、furniture...開支很大...............................十劃都未有一撇,但是想想也得高興,有時見到某些東東,心裡OS:「也許它蠻適合我的新家喔,先記住它,將來便來買它回家。」
6. 怕沒有朋友
現在很珍惜有人約我出街/ 打電話給我,我覺得你們都很有愛心,能夠包容/忍到我的麻煩。
7. 追看 ing
女主角平常在家' le le fai fai',放假最愛在家 hea,看漫畫,食零食,喝 beer;返工才會打扮好。一天,房主的兒子要暫住在女主角家一段時間,好死不死,他居然是自己的上司.....................................(要是我真的想死,回到家還要見到老細,就算老細好靚仔也不行啊!)
2008年12月22日 星期一
不知怎的,最後去了深水'土步'。我的target 是買古怪聖誕禮物和可以放上身的金色物件(配合金色dress code),最後花了$100,都買不到這些。
先和兩蚊吃 lunch,$10 雲吞麵,$6 炸魚皮,$4 油菜,
荳花很滑,荳香濃,正!其餘兩款淡而無味,no good!
再走著走著,見到粟米紀廉湯栗米條和 strawberry chocolate,忍不住,又買...
(我發覺我不習慣隨時隨事都拿相機出來拍照,因為想寫 blog 時豐富一點,才多了拍照)
2008年12月18日 星期四
Vivienne Westwood- A Life In Fashion
Date: 1/12/08- 31/1/08
Venue: ArtisTree, 3/F, Cornwall House, TaiKoo Place, Island East
話說洪同學進了新公司一個月,她的公司文化讓我嘖嘖稱奇。原本返9放6,現在要返8半放7半;早上返工要大大聲講「大家早晨」,放工要「仲有無野要幫手啊?」、「我走先啦,幸苦晒大家啦!」;食飯時間是2 pm,同事還要掛住做野而遲10-15min 落樓;現在還離譜,每人每日論流 present 一件與酒店業有關的新聞,和此新聞對酒店業的危與機(shit!又是SWOT!!我聽到都火起);今日更rehersal Christmas BBQ 與高層的應對。如:
問題一:今年經濟差,你覺得公司應否派 bonus?
問題二:外面的公司都給員工 no-paid leave,你覺得我們需要嗎?
這些問題擺明為難人,根本不要答 yes/ no,是想測試員工對公司的loyalty。
2008年12月17日 星期三
2008年12月16日 星期二
15/12/08 旺角逛街
12/12/08 last day
cwb 的好處就是換sample ,這次換甚麼甚麼保濕霜,BA 不hard sell,還在我手上試那保濕霜,教我怎樣用,她介紹coupon上的套裝($180!!),有洗面乳(30ml)、toner(30ml)、保濕霜(40ml)、hand cream(50ml),每種 product 都是我需要買的,試過後 ok,乾脆買下來,yoyo~~
不知道 juice 是賣甚麼,不知道價錢是甚麼,反正順路,不看白不看嘛。
嘩!好細的開倉!貨少,地方少!見到 head porter 半價!可是我問自己,我真的需要嗎?不!逛了一圈就全身而退。
第三站:peach john
電車上的廣告很 hot,只是那桃紅 bling bling 的 bra 讓我卻步,得知它是日本品牌後,才有衝動去。裡面的裝潢不得了的夢幻,bra bra 更不得了的可愛&性感,價錢更是不得了的便宜,整個人興奮得不知這從那裡開始看。
自從 Mandy Man教繞我後,看得出這些 bra bra的質素不算好,但,款式這麼可愛,沒所謂啦。(現在很多bra bra 質素也是平平啦,不然價錢很貴;日本的款式又可愛又舒服,價錢又不貴!)
嘩!好神奇!就算不用 pad, push up 得..................................勁!不敢相信鏡子中的身材是自己的!好想拍下來,不過拍給誰看啊?自己看嘛?我每天都看到啦。
連包裝都 kawaii 呢~~
逛完己經8點多,可想而知 peach john 是多好玩,因為是last day 嘛,想吃些甜點,放縱一下。吃了久仰大名的 crunch cake($28),欸,原來 cream 可以這麼的輕和入口即溶,蛋糕是有點濕濕的清蛋糕,上面的蜜糖脆脆是焦糖味,整個蛋糕不甜不膩,自己一個人吃就太飽了。
2008年12月10日 星期三
She is becoming東東的小粉絲!!! Hahaha, he’ll be so happy that u admire him like that~~
New York Fries

除了有四個不同大小的薯條供應之外,New York Fries還設有特色的薯條餐。包括加拿大的經典「Poutine」,由真正芝士粒及燒牛肉汁加上薯條;「The Works」,由Chili醬、芝士醬、酸忌廉、煙肉粒及蔥粒加上薯條;「Veggie Works」,由芝士醬、酸忌廉、蕃茄粒及蔥粒加上薯條。另外還有充滿北美風味的熱狗配上多種配料,有多種選擇。
New York Fries地址:
海港城港威商場二階2602號舖 電話:3106 4686
O, GOD!! i really want to try!!
2008年12月7日 星期日
2008年12月6日 星期六
3/12/08, 5/12/08 lunch and dinner
lunch 與 polly 見一見面,互吐了一點工作上的苦水,收到她的小禮物和日本手信,嘩,好開心啊!謝謝妳,認識妳是大學生涯中寶貴的得著。
黃同學來找我吃 lunch 啦~其實她特地來拿回我的畢業禮物,ok la,為了她的生意,我願意割愛。去了蔡瀾介紹的越南餐廳,點了生牛肉河,湯底好喝,不會太腥的牛肉湯底,牛肉好「鞋」喎,no good(學阿蘇,哈哈)!芽菜另上,生的!浸在湯裡很久還像不熟,no good!
2008年12月4日 星期四
last 6 days
What I learnt is the attitude of getting along with people peacefully. Because I experienced the hard feeling from mean attitude. Yes, I made mistakes. But excuse me, have you ever made mistakes? Come on, if the mistakes could be fixed, please don't be too serious about it. We are both employed and get paid. '大家都係搵食姐..又唔係唔比心機做... quoted from my dearest msn-mate----min min.
My senior always likes to 'chur' me(monitor tightly and keep asking me wt I am doing, even I'm so busy). OMG!! If you think I pretend busy and not working hard, fire me lor. And why can you take a rest and gossip around but don' t allow other to do so??
Once it comes to work, sigh........................ can't stop to talk about.
I always listen to 五月天 recently. good~~
五月天 - 戀愛ing
五月天 志明與春嬌
2008年11月30日 星期日
29/11/08 教會日
團契佈道會,得5 個新朋友,講者是院牧(醫院的牧師),
| ||||||||
我的生命、身體是神一手創造,當我在媽媽肚中成長時, 天父看著我,並與我連繫在一起,我的身心祂都知道, 就算我未在按定的日子出生到世間,天父已把我的名字記在祂的生命冊上。 所有生命在神眼中都是寶貴和獨一,祂看顧所有被祂造的生命。 |
晚飯後去了colormix 找落妝棉,終於返貨了,
掃了三包,再加一支herbacin wuta kamille hand cream ($57/100ml)(記得vivi 介紹過),
cotton pad 用恆生卡有95 折,$12 已經很便宜啦,還要折!?
hand cream 買2 支8折,與黃同學 share 一人一支(她本來只想買cotton pad,不過她買來孝順媽媽,不算亂花錢啦),
我雙手是會乾到嚴重'爆拆' & 流血,皮膚又敏感,
28/11/08--happy fiday
果真,她不在我就沒有做錯,她不是衰人,只是經常催/ 監督我,
放工等洪同學過來逛街,在渣甸坊碰見 jacqueline耶,真巧!
今季已買了8 對啦,我還是想買囉,
我已經探望這 boots 4 次,想買的程度只有 7個心(滿分10個),
但辛苦工作後,很想shopping 減壓,就豁出去了。
於是我想到,找人幫我帶枕頭、床鋪(incl 床單、床褥、被單、被褥)、睡衣、牙刷和高露潔牙膏到我當晚下塌的房子。
而five-day work and no OT 是一定的。
2008年11月27日 星期四
開倉店比比皆是,IT、各式top brands (Chole, Dior..)、Skincare & comestic...
top brands 的打折後也是很貴(對現在的我來說),所以知道也罷;
至於IT,也很懷疑裡面是垃圾/ 超舊款/ 折完還很貴,加上第一日去超多人,綜合親身去過的人的意見,大多無收獲,也放棄了;
Skincare & comestic private sale今日lunch去(收6pm,食快飯後衝去),要拿籌,而且是 3pm 的籌!拜託,要返工!即入同一部 lift 走。
In conclusion,一點也不能從開倉中得益,最近抵買的新貨只有DHC 的卸妝油,$108($199/2),萬寧買(!?不是專門店耶)
最近工作壓力大,無錯,連我也有stressful 的時候,
部份是返工很少談天的機會,有苦/ 樂無路訴,
逛街 shopping 是最好的消壓良方,奈何.......................錢又不多...........................開倉又很遜.........................
2008年11月24日 星期一
2008年11月23日 星期日
Recent life
Graduation photo-part 1
I was frustrated and nearly want to die. Because I did the same things wrong again. It’s a minor mistake. How could I do it wrong?? I am stupid, foolish, low b, shit, no brain, useless, rubbish…………………………….
But I can’t let my colleagues know. I had to pretend that I’m full of energy and willing to amend the mistakes. Seem that I won’t be affected by it. However, inside my mind, the world became black and white. I had no motivation to move on.
During work, I msn it with my favorite msn-mate--------spongy. Ths for his listening and encouragement.
After work, I phoned my baby-------- man man. Man man did understand my situation and feeling. Perhaps she experienced similar situation previously. And she really comforted me. Ths. What I need was to forgive myself and remind me not do this wrong again.Because I had other choices.
Take graduation photos with brothers and sisters. As I said before, all graduates (except chan ying kit and tsang chi chui) were available that night. I knew it’s tired and difficult to take photos at night. But I just can’t miss this opportunity. So ths so much to u guys and spongy to take photos for us. (photos are blurred as copied from facebook)







sogo thankful week started!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went at the first day. Wawawa, full of people on every floor. The quene at supermarket was too long. So I gave up and moved to shose area. haha, bought a pair of new shose~~
My mum's comment: why buy these low-heel shose?? It's not elegant to wear them and looks cheap.
Me:..............................................( my feet will be injured if I wear a 2.5inches hi-heels for the whole day)jelly beams (made in japan) 30%off (after discount was about $480)
church day
After church, Miguel and I had dinner at Fanling. We ate lots of sushi and extremely full. During the dinner, I suddenly discovered I left my donuts in church. So we waited someone in Taipo to bring them to us. It’s a cold night. We wait in McDonald til 12pm!! Ppl around us were all teenagers.When I was very young, I used to go out with friend at midnight like them... but now, even I'm just 20sth, it's too exhausted for me...
We exchanged our nail polish. Since we had nothing to do in McDonald, we started to play nail polish~~(haha, I just follow what Eason sang' ....come down to mad tonight..')
donuts arrived!!! let's go home la~
graduation photo -part 2
with my old friends
ths u gals, love to be friends with u for these years. So much memories to take graduation photos because all of us had done that at our F.5 graduation. We are still friends after these years. What a precious friendship.
thank your for all the flowers and doll(from Rebecca)
ok, the above pics were so peaceful. but the following were re-demonstrating our funny pose in the old days.
............omg, hope u guys won't kill me la
wowowoo~~ two dollars and I attended our first lesson of jazz class(mid-level). After >1 year working, we thought it’s time to upgrade ourselves and we wished to dance in a better environment. Cuz the present studio was too crowded.
well, the present class had fewer students and we can have more space to dance~ our new classmates were quiet nice~
Graduation Day
After numerous graduation photos, my Graduation Day came indeed. I woke up at 6:30 am( so early!) to dress up and had a little make-up. For me, I didn't have any recognition as an university graduate. Because I don't qualify myself as an degree holder. As I arrived, I saw my mother, father and grandparents. Jesus, my grandparents did came here!! And there's a huge bouquet in my father's hands. My grandmother hugged me and said she's so pleased and full of tears in her eyes. omg. What's going on. So embarrassing of hearing this and could anyone save me to escape from here??
ths god. Polly on the other side called me!! I just ran as fast as possible. After quick change the gown and hat, we sat in the ceremony. Nothing to say about it. Graduates went up, take a bow and went down. Then I just 放空 most of the time.
We ( the three generations of my family) took photos( took photos again!!! I think I don't want to smile in front of the camera in the following days)
I had lunch with my classmates and took photos in Hong Kong Park (again, endless photo shooting. fine, it's graduation and I paid the rent of the gown and I had a extraordinary bouquet)
Once we got there, the queue started from G/F-->14/F--> G/F. The security guide said it needed 1 hr to get in. We decided to give up and moved to Sogo. This milk pudding was delicious. It's creamy and smooth.
As I can't bear the burning pain of my feet, miguel changed her shose for me. THS!! So we can keep walking around.
When I got home, a Donald Duck was sitting in my room!! wowowoo~~ another present.
Surely I am so happy to get so many presents, I can't help but wonder is graduation such a big thing that deserve so many presents?