2009年3月31日 星期二
should I go? (final)
去到就立刻工作,做一陣子,就 lunch time 啦,午飯後繼續工作,還去了印刷房,裡面有大約8部印刷機,每部像小巴那麼大,那麼的一部印刷機,大不了幾十萬一部,誰知,要過千萬一部,那些印刷機加起來要一億多!!置身一億元的環境中,感覺很不真實,就像當初聽到美國的八千億救市方案,太大金額的錢,已超出想像範圍。就像,如果中了一千萬的獎金,我會想買層樓,瘋狂shopping;但一億喎、八千億喎,買完樓,剩下的錢幹嘛呢?shopping?買起整個商場都大把錢剩,但,這樣shopping 就無癮啦。(講開又講,敏敏介紹一種shopping的境界,要用非常平淡的語無說:「呢件,呢件同呢件,唔要,其他包起佢。」)
離題了,工作到3pm就走人啦,其實我未做完,不過老細check 過沒問題,我就不用做了,比平時早收工,真好~~~只是要聚精匯神check書,又舟車勞頓,蠻累的。
2009年3月30日 星期一
should I go? (Part 2)
昨天還在煩惱去不去大陸,今天就跟我說’明天出發’嘩好突然啊!! 又話星期三/四先去..
明天一整天都會待在大陸, 希望快點做完,早點收工~
如果明天11am左右, 你在皇崗見到一個傻傻的, 好像迷了路的少女, 那就是我!!
拜托千萬一定要平安回來, 我只去過羅湖, 而且是上年暑假的事了, 我從未去過皇崗, 剛剛search 過關巴士時, 我以為 '皇崗’ 是 ’黃岡' ,連地方名都搞亂, 怎麼辦?
ok, 輕鬆點, 嗯......................聽日過深圳, 緊係要去看一下排靚牙啦( 請用咪咪姐的口氣讀這句).
或者需不需要捧一疊簿上去? (典故: 家俊在救恩走火警的糗事, super funny!!)
pls pray for my personal safety!!
聽說治安好差, 難道老細看我不順眼, 帶我返大陸, 目的是來一招借刀殺人, 任我被大陸的黑市人販/ 內臟販/ 失業民工宰割????
2009年3月27日 星期五
should I go?
When I heard that news, I was quiet surprised. Because I’m just small potato in the company. Why me? Kinda feeling ‘wow, does my boss trust my ability and now let me in another level?’ok, it’s just some fancy to delight myself. But it’s quiet excited to work outside office, doesn’t it?
I told Ms Wong this news. Her response was: Great, gain experience then. AND REMEMBER TO BRING 回鄉卡, RMB and check your IDD availability.
I told my mum later. Her response was: why you need to go there? Anyone else? Only you and your boss? How’s your boss? Where’s the factory?................... lots of question!
Next morning, she called me hurriedly. She commanded me not to go(!?).
I mentioned this to one of my colleagues as well( I told many ppl about that because I need more opinion!!). She also recommended me not to go. I can[t tell who that guy is here. It's because that gut treated me so good. I have to protect that guy. The reason he/she explained is highly confidential. So I can't talk now...Thanks for the kind warning. I will bear in mind and be careful about this issue.
The conclusion is...........................................................
I don't know. 70% will go because I promised my boss. 30% is not sure.
2009年3月26日 星期四
2009年3月25日 星期三
失業的時候,我與這demin jumpsuit 相遇,大大大特價,$99!!!
穿上它很想唱一首歌,就是《Mama mia》,當晚見人就唱,但大家居然對另一首歌——《Dancing queen》——更感興趣,雖然唱來唱去都是那句「dancing queen, la la la...」,因為忘詞,後面的都是啦出來。就這樣唱唱下,神經爆一句「去唱K囉」,我和敏敏齊聲「好啊」,就去了!即興,I like it~
去到卻不知道 dancing queen 和mama mia 是誰唱,點不到..
2009年3月23日 星期一
crazy and BB are at Tokyo NOW!!!!! so jealous them. hope they can enjoy the sakura there (with the songs I gave them, kekekekeeee)
Can time pass fast, fast, fast and fast????? Still have 2 mth left of my probation.. ok, I decided. The day I get my double pay, the day I come back Tokyo!!!!!! Yin Wong San, I'm coming...........
I have many plans, e.g. start a separate account to save money, save money to buy share, buy share to generate more money, earn more money to experience the world
my face is ugly now... many acne on my face, wuwuwu........
2009年3月22日 星期日
我的頭髮多,粗,偏硬, 自然捲,多毛毛, 好難打理
因護髮素逗留時間較長, 有助頭髮吸收, 隔天起床頭髮變得柔滑耶~~很棒!!!
2009年3月19日 星期四
-I am poor in memorizing. I don’t wanna forget things happening on me/around. Recently, I use mobile to record stuff. For example, when I heard something funny, I immediately took out my mobile to type it down.
It’s weird I know. But it quiet useful, esp I can grasp these stuff and post it on my blog.
-If anyone saw me outside but I didn’t say ‘hello’ to you, I apologize and I can explain this. The truth is I rarely see ppl’s face when I’m stalking. My eyes are too busy of window shopping or my brain is thinking of sth else.
- I hate Hong Kong weather!! My skin told me that. It was so itching!! The imbalance of oil and water on my skin caused that pain. My face is combined skin, oily T-zone and dry cheek. My whole body is very dry!!! Like I said before, I must use Body Shop body butter (for very dry skin)/ Johnson’s baby oil, and apply a thick layer on skin.
- Because I am in a new company, I have to impress my boss. Therefore, I can only polish my nails on Saturdays and Sundays. But I found my nails became weak..gotta buy a hand and nail cream..
- I do want open-toe boots. Once I discovered them on seaofshoes, I can’t help replaying the screen of the Ann Demeulemeester boots/ sandal-boots.
I’m missing the sandals in H&M too. Lovely peach pink and high high heel(that’s the reason for still not buying)
picture source: sea of shoes
2009年3月18日 星期三
'the confession of a shopaholic'
白色情人節 as well. Hey! Does every day have a title??
It’s a happy day, a satisfied day, a shopaholic day(?)..with 島山&嘉嘉
Although I was not hungry, I can still K.O. a full set of rice burger meal at mos burger. SOS
Speaking of shopaholic, we watched ‘the confession of a shopaholic’ finally~~
It’s so funny. I like it!
I like Jane Austen's book. So I'm curious of her story . This VCD just cost $19!!!!Thank kaka to bring us into this VCD store. We all bought valuable and fabulous VCDs~~Gloria bought so many Audrey Hepburn VCDs~ Surely kaka had much more~
gals, remeber our date on 4/4?? stuff switching party!!
Shseido Shampoo and conditioner box set($120) with a hair treatment as bonus~~
I understand our brains were always strictly standby at work. When we lived in holiday, our minds were relaxed. Kaka's mind was so relaxed. For example, she did want to order orange juice, but turned out saying milk to the waiter!!!!
2009年3月17日 星期二
dinner with colleague
Friday night, feeling starving after work. When my colleague heard I’d go to buy something eat, she suggested we had dinner together. It’s the first time to hang out with my colleague~~ We chose 新翠華茶餐廳 and had 煲仔飯. Surprisingly, we both preferred片牛 to 碎牛 and we like 田雞 too~~ After that, we went to Sogo supermarket and I buy a expensive snack for my brother(ok, I wanna try too. But I really shared with him). Then we went 樂文書局 because I found that we liked book and movie~~~ I saw櫻桃子<一個人相樸> there! And it costs $82!! A 20% off discount was offering. But I will check it out at 旺角田園書局 tmr. My colleague is nice, 爽朗,健談 and makes the other feel comfortable to get along. I recommended ‘He’s just not that into you’ to her. She liked it too~~
2009年3月16日 星期一
EQ Testing
聽了一個無賴的電話,她說未收到雜誌, 我跟她說現正送貨中, 應該今個星期才收到, 她說無理由要她等那麼久, 又要我立即寄書給她, 又看死我今天肯定連書都寄不到, 效率低, 又說要找經理啦, 唱衰我啦, 我無common sense啦, 我不是郵差,卻問我何時會寄到她家, 還叫我偷其他客人的書等等. (我已用較溫文的字句描述此事)
1. 如果她要快,請自己上來拿公司不是只有她一個客
2. 3:35pm called me, 拜托, 郵局都關門啦, 有無common sense架
3. 請隨便找經理, 方法一:打IDD給他, 方法二:買機票去歐洲找他
4. Well, 唱衰我!? 請問誰在無理取鬧? 請問有沒有看國泰發神經乘客的新聞? 如果要玩唱衰, 不知誰較衰呢? Can your common sense tell you?
5. 竟然為了一定會收到的書而偷別人的, I know she has no sense.
本來我一肚火, 被她激到震(我連呻這事時都講到口震), 後來覺得她好可憐, 為了一本書連人格都可以捨棄, 一個不尊重人的媽媽會有怎樣的兒子呢?
今期書教溫柔, 希望她有所得著, 阿門.
以 弗 所 書 4:29
污 穢 的 言 語 一 句 不 可 出 口 , 只 要 隨 事 說 造 就 人 的 好 話 , 叫 聽 見 的 人 得 益 處 。
another F.C.K開倉
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地址:長l P82ucgYGetJetso.com-著數網沙灣永明街1號
any one is interested and wanna go with me???